Trisha Mitlo

Laboratory Manager

Trisha is a biologist with over 10 years of experience in biotechnology instrumentation development and laboratory management. For much of her career, Trisha has managed operations within multidisciplinary R&D laboratories and cell culture core facilities. In these roles, she has designed and implemented business processes to achieve operational excellence and scale organizations safely and efficiently. Trisha has also made significant contributions to the design and development of many products that biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies rely upon daily. These products include high precision and high throughput electrophysiology, cellular imaging, and label-free biosensors systems for the study of complex cell signaling pathways. Trisha earned her Bachelor of Science in biology with a minor in chemistry at California State University, East Bay.

Publications Authored

Sirenko O, Mitlo T, Hesley J, Luke S, Owens W, and Cromwell E, “High-Content Assays for Characterizing the Viability and Morphology of 3D Cancer Spheroid Cultures,” ASSAY and Drug Development Technologies Sept 2015, 13(7): 402-414.

Jiang X, Tutana T, Yamane D; Osipchuk Y, Verdonk E, Costantin J, “A Device to Measure Ligand- or Voltage-Gated Channels Simultaneously in 384 Wells,” Biophysical Journal 2012, Volume 100, Issue 3, 621a.

Jiang X, Verdonk E, Tutana T, Cook K, Costantin J, “Validation of an Automated Electrophysiology System that Measures Ligand- or Voltage-Gated Ion Channels Simultaneously in 384 Wells,” Biophysical Journal 2011, Volume 102, Issue 3, 190a.

McGuinness RP, Gallant DL, Chen YW, Tutana TA, Wilson DL, Proctor JM, Tang HR (2011) “The CellKey™ System: A label-free cell-based assay platform for early drug discovery applications,” Label-Free Technologies in Drug Discovery (Mayr L & Cooper MA ed). Wiley Ltd, Chichester, UK

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