Ryan McGuinness

Global Head, In Vitro Technologies/Commercial GM

Ryan was trained in genetics and cell biology at the University of California at Davis. Since 1988 he has worked in several biotechnology companies and as an independent biotech consultant focused on adding value to early stage therapeutic and technology efforts. Early in his career Ryan worked in teams that applied cutting edge genetic engineering technologies to advance the development of gene therapy and cellular therapeutics.

In 2002 Ryan transitioned to research and product development for biopharmaceutical instrumentation, where he held customer-facing positions related to the introduction of novel technologies. In this role, Ryan grew to be a recognized expert in label-free biosensors, presented at numerous international scientific conferences, and was invited to chair several scientific symposia. Ryan is co-inventor of five US patents, has published multiple scientific communications, developed many applications for the drug discovery market, and lead collaborations worldwide with well-known pharmaceutical research teams from companies like Merck, Amgen, J&J, Novartis and AstraZeneca.

Publications Authored

McGuinness RP, Gallant DL, Chen YW, Tutana TA, Wilson DL, Proctor JM, Tang HR (2011) The CellKey™ System: A label-free cell-based assay platform for early drug discovery applications, in Label-Free Technologies in Drug Discovery (Mayr L & Cooper MA ed). Wiley Ltd, Chichester, UK McGuinness RP and Verdonk E (2009)

Electrical impedance technology applied to cell based assays, in Label-Free Biosensors: Techniques and Applications (Cooper MA ed) pp 251-278, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. McGuinness RP, Proctor JM, Gallant DL, van Staden CJ, Ly JT, Tang FL and Lee PH (2009)

Enhanced Selectivity Screening of GPCR Ligands Using a Label-free Cell Based Assay Technology. Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening. McGuinness R (2009)

Label-Free Cell-Based Assays Bring Greater Biorelevance to Early Drug Discovery. Assay and drug development technologies 7(2):191-193. McGuinness R (2007)

Impedance-based cellular assay technologies: recent advances, future promise. Current opinion in pharmacology 7(5):535-540. Verdonk E, Johnson K, McGuinness R, Leung G, Chen YW, Tang HR, Michelotti JM and Liu VF (2006)

Cellular dielectric spectroscopy: a label-free comprehensive platform for functional evaluation of endogenous receptors. Assay and drug development technologies 4(5):609-619. Leung G, Tang HR, McGuinness R, Verdonk E, Michelotti JM and Liu V, F (2005)

Cellular Dielectric Spectroscopy: A Label-Free Technology for Drug Discovery. Journal of American Laboratory Automation 10(4):258-269. Ciambrone GJ, Liu VF, Lin DC, McGuinness RP, Leung GK and Pitchford S (2004)

Cellular dielectric spectroscopy: a powerful new approach to label-free cellular analysis. J Biomol Screen 9(6):467-480. Farson D, Witt R, McGuinness R, Dull T, Kelly M, Song J, Radeke R, Bukovsky A, Consiglio A and Naldini L (2001)

A new-generation stable inducible packaging cell line for lentiviral vectors. Human gene therapy 12(8):981-997. Patel SD, Moskalenko M, Tian T, Smith D, McGuinness R, Chen L, Winslow GA, Kashmiri S, Schlom J, Stanners CP, Finer MH and McArthur JG (2000)

T-cell killing of heterogenous tumor or viral targets with bispecific chimeric immune receptors. Cancer gene therapy 7(8):1127-1134. McGuinness RP, Ge Y, Patel SD, Kashmiri SV, Lee HS, Hand PH, Schlom J, Finer MH and McArthur JG (1999)

Anti-tumor activity of human T cells expressing the CC49-zeta chimeric immune receptor. Human gene therapy 10(2):165-173. Farson D, McGuinness R, Dull T, Limoli K, Lazar R, Jalali S, Reddy S, Pennathur-Das R, Broad D and Finer M (1999)

Large-scale manufacturing of safe and efficient retrovirus packaging lines for use in immunotherapy protocols. The journal of gene medicine 1(3):195-209. Green LL, Hardy MC, Maynard-Currie CE, Tsuda H, Louie DM, Mendez MJ, Abderrahim H, Noguchi M, Smith DH, Zeng Y, McGuinness RP and et al. (1994)

Antigen-specific human monoclonal antibodies from mice engineered with human Ig heavy and light chain YACs. Nature genetics 7(1):13-21. Jakobovits A, Vergara GJ, Kennedy JL, Hales JF, McGuinness RP, Casentini-Borocz DE, Brenner DG and Otten GR (1993)

Analysis of homozygous mutant chimeric mice: deletion of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain joining region blocks B-cell development and antibody production. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 90(6):2551-2555. Mahi-Brown CA, McGuinness RP and Moran F (1992)

The cellular immune response to immunization with zona pellucida antigens. Journal of reproductive immunology 21(1):29-46. Mahi-Brown CA, VandeVoort CA, McGuinness RP, Overstreet JW, O’Hern P and Goldberg E (1990)

Immunization of male but not female mice with the sperm-specific isozyme of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-C4) impairs fertilization in vivo. Am J Reprod Immunol 24(1):1-8.

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