Christopher Mitchell, PhD

Sr. Director, Project Management

Dr. Chris Mitchell has more than 25 years of hands-on and leadership experience in the design, development, and characterization of innovative x ray-based imaging systems for medical and industrial applications. Before joining Triple Ring Technologies, Dr. Mitchell served in a variety of positions at Alara, Inc., including VP of R&D and Chief Scientific Officer. While there, he led the development of a patented, award-winning bone densitometer, and several computed radiography-based imaging systems for medical, industrial, and veterinary applications. Prior to Alara, Dr. Mitchell served as Manager, Imaging Technologies, at ARACOR, where he led the development of a number of innovative imaging systems, including high-performance digital radiography, and cone-beam computed tomography for high resolution bone imaging and reverse engineering applications. Chris received his B.A. in applied mathematics from Weber State University, and MS (bioengineering) and Ph.D. (electrical engineering) from the University of Utah. He holds 3 patents in the fields of bone densitometry and computed radiography and has authored or co-authored numerous presentations and journal articles. He is a member of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM).


Mitchell C.R., Myers R.W., Conte F.A., et al., “Phalangeal Radiographic Absorptiometry: An effective method for osteoporosis screening,” presented at International Society for Clinical Densitometry 2005 Annual Meeting, February 16-19, 2005, New Orleans, LA.

Mitchell C.R. “MetriScan” “Precise, Accurate BMD Assessment of the Hand” National Association of Primary Care Review, January 2003, p. 120.

Mitchell C.R., Smith J.A., Browne J.A., et al., “Volumetric imaging of trabecular microstructure in rats,” presented at the 82nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. Chicago, IL, December 1-6, 1996.

Mitchell C.R., Hernandez J., Logan C.M., Mascio L., Piccaro M., “Digital mammography employing layered synthetic microstructures,” presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Boston, MA, July 23-27, 1995.

Yancey R.N. and Mitchell C.R., “Nondestructive evaluation of composites using digital radiography and computed tomography,” presented at NTIAC Conference on Nondestructive Evaluation Applied to Process Control of Composite Fabrication, St. Louis, MO. October 4-5, 1994.

Mitchell, C.R., Kruger, R.A., and Hebden, J.C., “A prototype scanning-slit fluorography device for chest radiography,” Proc. SPIE, vol. 914, pp. 204-211, 1988.

Mitchell, C.R. and Sorenson, J.A., “Application of the Bunch transform in clinical FROC nodule detection studies,” Proceedings of the Chest Imaging Conference 1987, pp. 356-370, Madison, WI, August 31-September 2, 1987.

Sorenson J.A. and Mitchell C.R., “Evaluation of optical unsharp masking and contrast enhancement of low-scatter chest radiographs,” AJR, vol. 149, pp. 275-281, August 1987.

Sorenson J.A., Mitchell C.R., Mann H., et al., “Effects of improved contrast on lung-nodule detection: A clinical ROC study,” Invest. Radiol., vol. 22, pp. 772-780, 1987.

Mitchell, C.R. and Sorenson, J.A., “Digital image processing in chest radiography,” Proc. SPIE, vol. 626, pp. 259-267, 1986.

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