Design For Sterilization (DFS)


Dose Insight


As medical device sterilization validation is most often considered after a device has been fully designed and built, any issues that occur during sterilization result in significant costs and delays. Can computer modeling be used to consider sterilization earlier in the product development process to lower costs and retire risks earlier? Easy-to-use, powerful, and accurate Monte Carlo simulation tools which enable non-expert users to develop medical device sterilization strategies much earlier in the product life cycle.



DFS significantly shortened Medical Device product development cycles and reduced costs through implementation of sterilization strategies early in the design process. It provides precise and accurate radiation dose mapping for complex and sensitive medical devices. Design iteration was enabled without expensive prototyping and costly empirical testing late in product development is eliminated.


Triple Ring Value Proposition

  • Deep expertise in complex Monte Carlo simulations
  • World-class applied physics capabilities
  • GUI design and workflow development expertise
  • Experience architecting and implementing scalable cloud infrastructures
  • Valuable IP created around virtual dose mapping


With intellectual property developed inside of Triple Ring, Dose Insight’s Monte Carlo simulation tools address serious unmet needs in the Medical Device industry – lowering the cost and time required to build sterilization strategies. Scientists and engineers within Triple Ring have extensively validated the platform across all radiation sterilization technologies and have optimized the tools for use the moment CAD models are established.