Technology is built on trust.


Triple Ring Technologies is a co-development company headquartered in Silicon Valley, with offices in Boston, Toronto, and Copenhagen. We partner with clients in medtech, life sciences, and agriculture & the environment to create new technologies, launch innovative projects, and start new ventures. Our capabilities span early R&D, product development, manufacturing, regulatory approval, market access, strategic investment, and incubation.

Technology Sectors

Medical Devices

Smart devices and instrumentation—We specialize in medical devices incorporating sensors, active control, automation, or energy delivery

Life Science

Moore meets Mendel—We develop in vitro diagnostics, laboratory tools, and assays at the intersection of high-tech and advanced biology

Imaging, Robotics & Radiotherapy

Full spectrum—Our team has experience in advanced imaging from RF and light to x-rays and gamma rays, and with the automated systems used to guide and deliver energy.

Combination Products

Drug delivery—We can navigate the complexities of projects that involve drugs and devices 

Agriculture & Environment

Planetary health—We apply our interdisciplinary problem solving to pressing challenges for the world we live in, providing information to support data-driven decision-making.

Advanced Technologies

Complex systems—We develop products for science-driven industries ranging from space and communications to sustainability and transportation.


Join the Triple Ring community with flexible access to office space, lab space, and shared facilities.

Looking to plant roots in Silicon Valley or Boston? Our Agility Labs team supports companies of any size with shared access to our advanced laboratories, office spaces, and robust innovation ecosystem—all with cash-efficient and flexible terms.

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System architecture and engineering
Microfluidics and disposables
Optical engineering & biomedical optics
Mobile apps and web services (SaaS)

System architecture and engineering
Microfluidics and disposables
Optical engineering & biomedical optics
Mobile apps and web services (SaaS)
Wearables (embedded systems, IoT)
Wireless (WiFi (802.11), Bluetooth, LoRa, proprietary radios)
Finite element analysis (FEA)
Drug delivery
Imaging (medical and industrial)
X-ray technologies
Sensors and detectors

System architecture and engineering
Microfluidics and disposables
Optical engineering & biomedical optics
Mobile apps and web services (SaaS)
Wearables (embedded systems, IoT)
Wireless (WiFi, BT, LoRa, proprietary radios)
Finite element analysis (FEA)
Drug delivery
Imaging (medical and industrial)
X-ray technologies
Sensors and detectors
Cellular and molecular biology
Chemistry and electrochemistry
Machine learning and AI
Industrial design (ID), human factors, & UX

System architecture and engineering
Microfluidics and disposables
Optical engineering & biomedical optics
Mobile apps and web services (SaaS)
Wearables (embedded systems, IoT)
Wireless (WiFi, BT, LoRa, proprietary radios)
Finite element analysis (FEA)
Drug delivery
Imaging (medical and industrial)
X-ray technologies
Sensors and detectors
Cellular and molecular biology
Chemistry and electrochemistry
Machine learning and AI
Industrial design (ID), human factors, & UX

I don’t think we could have found a higher caliber of scientists and engineers under one roof. They are flexible to work with and have grown with our needs. I would highly recommend them.

Scott Coleridge, CEO of ViOptix

Triple Ring will enable us to much more quickly bring our patented mobile health monitoring technology to market.

Al DiRienzo. CEO & Co-Founder of One Health Group